THREE STEPS TO OVERCOME PROBLEMS BEACH PHOTOGRAPHY | Day at the beach, the perfect moment to capture memories through photographs. But the thing is, the brightness of the sun reflected off the sand and water often affects the image.
Before you start shooting at the beach, beach photography there are three issues that generally are common and resolve the following tips, as reported by Mashable.
1. Photos over exposure (excess light): Sometimes the automatic mode the camera can make photos to be over exposed. Try experimenting with manual settings on the camera.
First, specify the ISO camera (the settings that control the camera's sensitivity to light) to a lower number, like 100. Low ISO settings are best for bright lighting.
Whereas if you increase the ISO, such as 400 can be used when shooting a moving object. Furthermore, to change the image as a state of the afternoon, then you have to adjust the camera settings with the weather.
2. Images are boring: Changing the way the ocean becomes more interesting photograph. You can find interesting places that will be the focus of the object in an image, whether it be rocks, waves or birds in flight.
3. Strange blue lighting in the photo: Try to apply some filter on the camera. Such as the use of UV filters to eliminate the effects of haze caused by UV rays. In addition, UV filters also help protect the lens from sun damage. You can also use a polarizing filter to reduce glare from water and darken the bright blue of the sky.
But keep in mind, the filters are used depending on what effect you expect the picture.